Achievement | How to unlock
"Catch" fish using the first method | (no official description)
"Catch" fish using the second method | (no official description)
A hungry wolf | (no official description)
A very hungry wolf | (no official description)
Advantageous investment | (no official description)
Alpha and Omega | Get all achievements
An awful dream | (no official description)
Art of moderate eating | (no official description)
Attention to detail | (no official description)
Be prepared | (no official description)
Bring cabbage using first method | (no official description)
Bring cabbage using second method | (no official description)
Busy wolf | (no official description)
Classic ending | (no official description)
Collect apples from the first apple tree | (no official description)
Collect apples from the second apple tree | (no official description)
Collect apples from the third apple tree | (no official description)
Colourless existence | (no official description)
Complete manual quest | (no official description)
Deserved rest | (no official description)
Don't open to strangers | (no official description)
Everybody is alive and kicking | (no official description)
Fear has big eyes | (no official description)
Find a piece of meat for the filling | (no official description)
Gluttony | (no official description)
Good deed | (no official description)
Granny and a pile of pastries | (no official description)
Happily ever after | (no official description)
Happy ending | (no official description)
Holy simplicity | (no official description)
If only | (no official description)
Ingratitude | (no official description)
Lack of fastidiousness | (no official description)
Long-awaited find | (no official description)
Lucky accident | (no official description)
Lucky coincidence | (no official description)
Main menu | Visit the main menu
Miraculous outcome | (no official description)
Nasty lunch | (no official description)
Open Final | (no official description)
Patience | (no official description)
Peacemaker pastries | (no official description)
Pick mushrooms | (no official description)
Poor cook | (no official description)
Prisoner | (no official description)
Proper upbringing | (no official description)
Retarded ignition | (no official description)
Retribution for politeness | (no official description)
Reward for the efforts | (no official description)
Stay alerted | (no official description)
Tamed wolf | (no official description)
Telltale evidence | (no official description)
Thanks from the wolf | (no official description)
The architect of your own fortune | (no official description)
Unpredictable people | (no official description)
Why Wolf Attacked Granny | (no official description)
Wicked freeload | (no official description)
Wolf nature | (no official description)
Wolf's day | (no official description)
Woodcutter saviour | (no official description)
Woodcutters rescuers | (no official description)
You don't get rid of good stuff | (no official description)