Retro Machina (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AnthropologistFind all files.
Atomic CityDefeat Atomic City boss.
CollectorFind all images.
CuriosityOpen all color cartridge doors.
Marine NationDefeat Marine Nation boss.
MastermindControl all enemies.
NucleonicsDefeat Nucleonics Fusitron.
PathfinderFind a hidden place.
Robot 2.0Unlock all upgrades.
Robot DreamsEnter the replication chamber.
Serendipity MountainDefeat Serendipity Mountain boss.
SurrenderSurrender to N.E.O.N.
The Controller RobotFind all control upgrade cores.
The Healthy RobotFind all health upgrade cores.
The Power RobotFind all power upgrade cores.
The Special RobotFind all special upgrade cores.
VoyagerEnter the rocket.