Reality Break (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Knack For ThingsUnlock your first Aptitude.
Accept No SubstituteUnlock the Tier 1 Sub-talents in the Reality Stream.
Ancient PowerLoot an Artifact item.
Bounce OwsDestroy two enemies with a single Ricochet blade.
Bountiful BreakObtain 1,000 Reality Points at once.
Break RealityBreak your Pilot's Profile for the first time.
Broken SunGet annihilated.
Double ScissionBuild up the Gatling debuff fifteen times.
Eons EndEquip nine Artifact items at once.
Epic'd OutEquip nine Epic items at once.
ErasureEncounter Jolgen.
FatecraftSynthesize an item.
FlashpointComplete a Side Mission in under one minute.
Frickin' Laser BeamsDestroy an enemy with a Secondary Weapon while it's under the effect of the Laser debuff.
Fun RampantReach a Rampage Streak of 20 or greater.
Go TurboDestroy five enemies within three seconds using the Turbolaser.
In PhaseDestroy two enemies with a single Phaser shot.
Keep It TogetherSurvive at least eight minutes in the Fracture mission.
Launch WindowDestroy three enemies with a single explosion from a Launcher missile.
Meet Your Fate CoreWitness the destruction of Station 6.
Now You're Playing With PowerHave 300 Fate Pulses at once.
Off The RailsDestroy three enemies with a single Railgun blast.
Power CurveLoot an Epic item.
ReconfigurationRewrite an item for the first time.
Resonant ManuscriptClaim your first Codex Set Bonus.
Rewrite the UniverseAscend to a new form.
SupernovaDestroy four enemies with a single Nova activation.
This Is My ScattergunOne-shot an enemy with a Scattergun.
Tiering UpUnlock Tier 2 in the Reality Stream.
UnrealFace reality.
Upgrades Are My SpecialityBuy your first Ship Upgrade from the Specialist.
We SwarmDestroy three enemies within two seconds using the Swarmer.
Witness The PowerOne-shot ten enemies with a single Superlaser attack.