Achievement | How to unlock
A Knack For Things | Unlock your first Aptitude.
Accept No Substitute | Unlock the Tier 1 Sub-talents in the Reality Stream.
Ancient Power | Loot an Artifact item.
Bounce Ows | Destroy two enemies with a single Ricochet blade.
Bountiful Break | Obtain 1,000 Reality Points at once.
Break Reality | Break your Pilot's Profile for the first time.
Broken Sun | Get annihilated.
Double Scission | Build up the Gatling debuff fifteen times.
Eons End | Equip nine Artifact items at once.
Epic'd Out | Equip nine Epic items at once.
Erasure | Encounter Jolgen.
Fatecraft | Synthesize an item.
Flashpoint | Complete a Side Mission in under one minute.
Frickin' Laser Beams | Destroy an enemy with a Secondary Weapon while it's under the effect of the Laser debuff.
Fun Rampant | Reach a Rampage Streak of 20 or greater.
Go Turbo | Destroy five enemies within three seconds using the Turbolaser.
In Phase | Destroy two enemies with a single Phaser shot.
Keep It Together | Survive at least eight minutes in the Fracture mission.
Launch Window | Destroy three enemies with a single explosion from a Launcher missile.
Meet Your Fate Core | Witness the destruction of Station 6.
Now You're Playing With Power | Have 300 Fate Pulses at once.
Off The Rails | Destroy three enemies with a single Railgun blast.
Power Curve | Loot an Epic item.
Reconfiguration | Rewrite an item for the first time.
Resonant Manuscript | Claim your first Codex Set Bonus.
Rewrite the Universe | Ascend to a new form.
Supernova | Destroy four enemies with a single Nova activation.
This Is My Scattergun | One-shot an enemy with a Scattergun.
Tiering Up | Unlock Tier 2 in the Reality Stream.
Unreal | Face reality.
Upgrades Are My Speciality | Buy your first Ship Upgrade from the Specialist.
We Swarm | Destroy three enemies within two seconds using the Swarmer.
Witness The Power | One-shot ten enemies with a single Superlaser attack.