Ravenswatch (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Diary of DaysUnlock all Memoirs of Scarlet.
A Memoir of Dire MirthUnlock all Memoirs of Geppetto.
A Mermaid's LullabyUnlock all Memoirs of Melusine.
A Reinvigorating JourneyUse six or more Healing fountains in a single run.
All is well that ends wellDefeat Baba Yaga without using any Raven Feather.
Chapter 2Reach Chapter 2.
Chapter 3Reach Chapter 3.
FulfillmentSelect a Final Talent during a game.
Giant SlayerDefeat three optional bosses in a single run.
Legendary HeroHave nine Legendary Talents in a single run.
Letters to Laura - Diary of a DhampireUnlock all Memoirs of Carmilla.
Loot HoarderHave twenty or more magical objects equiped during a single run.
Master of ChallengesComplete five challenges in Darkness difficulty or more.
Mercy of the RavensBuy three feathers from Altar of Heroes in a single run.
No one left behindComplete three quests in a single run.
Once upon a timeLevel up a Hero during a game.
Open sesame!Collect five or more keys in a single run.
Savior of the DayRevive three heroes at the same time.
Secret TechniqueSelect an Ultimate ability during a game.
SocializationInteract with six or more Refugees in a single run.
Tale of Frightful FifeUnlock all Memoirs of the Pied Piper.
The Annals of the Reign of Queen NyssUnlock all Memoirs of the Snow Queen.
The Cleansing of ReverieComplete three or more Nightmare tumors in a single run.
The Curse of a Drake's MotherUnlock all Memoirs of Beowulf.
The Epic Tragic Tale of Immortal DemiseUnlock all Memoirs of Sun Wukong.
The House of NightmaresReach Epilog - Part 1.
The Ogress's LairReach Epilog - Part 2.
The Ravenswatch OathAchieve Victory in multiplayer.
The Thief Who Married a PrincessUnlock all Memoirs of Aladdin.
The Thirst for KnowledgeComplete four or more Grimoires in a single run.
The Thirst for PowerUse six or more Sacrificial Idols in a single run.
The Three Little PigsComplete all three Swyne brothers quests.
Three WishesWish for three Magical Objects at a single Wishing Well.