Achievement | How to unlock
Food Delivery | Give baby a food.
Hole Through | Drive vehicle fast through hole in bedroom.
Kill Ratty | Kill Ratty.
Level 10! | Reach Level 10.
Level 100! | Reach Level 100.
Level 20! | Reach Level 20.
Level 30! | Reach Level 30.
Level 40! | Reach Level 40.
Level 50! | Reach Level 50.
Level 60! | Reach Level 60.
Level 70! | Reach Level 70.
Level 80! | Reach Level 80.
Level 90! | Reach Level 90.
Parrot Rider | Get on the parrot.
RatMan 100 | Play RatMan and make 100 scores.
RatMan 25 | Play RatMan and make 25 scores.
RatMan 50 | Play RatMan and make 50 scores.
RatMan 75 | Play RatMan and make 75 scores.
The Driver | Drive at least one car.
The Monster Driver | Find and drive hidden monster car.
Training | Finish Training.
Use Boxing Glove | Find and use boxing glove.
Use Butter Knife | Find and use butter knife.
Use Crowbar | Find and use crowbar.
Use Cue | Find and use cue.
Use Egg Gun | Find and use egg gun.
Use Elevator | Use the elevator on the nest.
Use Fan | Find and use fan as a jetpack.
Use Fire Extinguisher | Find and use fire extinguisher as a jetpack.
Use Fork | Find and use fork.
Use Hammer | Find and use hammer.
Use Kitchen Lighter | Find and use kitchen lighter.
Use Knife | Find and use knife.
Use Magic Broom | Find and use magic broom as a jetpack.
Use Pan | Find and use pan.
Use Plate | Find and use plate.
Use Propeller Hat | Find and use propeller hat as a jetpack.
Use Racket | Find and use racket.
Use Screwdriver | Find and use screwdriver.
Use Spray | Find and use spray as a jetpack.
Use Spring Shoes | Find and use spring shoes as a jetpack.
Use TNT | Find and use TNT.
Use Toy Truck | Find and use toy truck.
Use Umbrella | Find and use umbrealla.
Use Water Balloons | Find and use water balloons.
Walking Airplane | Turn yourself into a walking airplane.