Ratty Catty (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Food DeliveryGive baby a food.
Hole ThroughDrive vehicle fast through hole in bedroom.
Kill RattyKill Ratty.
Level 10!Reach Level 10.
Level 100!Reach Level 100.
Level 20!Reach Level 20.
Level 30!Reach Level 30.
Level 40!Reach Level 40.
Level 50!Reach Level 50.
Level 60!Reach Level 60.
Level 70!Reach Level 70.
Level 80!Reach Level 80.
Level 90!Reach Level 90.
Parrot RiderGet on the parrot.
RatMan 100Play RatMan and make 100 scores.
RatMan 25Play RatMan and make 25 scores.
RatMan 50Play RatMan and make 50 scores.
RatMan 75Play RatMan and make 75 scores.
The DriverDrive at least one car.
The Monster DriverFind and drive hidden monster car.
TrainingFinish Training.
Use Boxing GloveFind and use boxing glove.
Use Butter KnifeFind and use butter knife.
Use CrowbarFind and use crowbar.
Use CueFind and use cue.
Use Egg GunFind and use egg gun.
Use ElevatorUse the elevator on the nest.
Use FanFind and use fan as a jetpack.
Use Fire ExtinguisherFind and use fire extinguisher as a jetpack.
Use ForkFind and use fork.
Use HammerFind and use hammer.
Use Kitchen LighterFind and use kitchen lighter.
Use KnifeFind and use knife.
Use Magic BroomFind and use magic broom as a jetpack.
Use PanFind and use pan.
Use PlateFind and use plate.
Use Propeller HatFind and use propeller hat as a jetpack.
Use RacketFind and use racket.
Use ScrewdriverFind and use screwdriver.
Use SprayFind and use spray as a jetpack.
Use Spring ShoesFind and use spring shoes as a jetpack.
Use TNTFind and use TNT.
Use Toy TruckFind and use toy truck.
Use UmbrellaFind and use umbrealla.
Use Water BalloonsFind and use water balloons.
Walking AirplaneTurn yourself into a walking airplane.