Rad Rodgers (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AquaRadDrown 5 times.
Bat in the StoneFind the Excalibat.
Boomerang my A** X2Defeat the second Boomer in less than 1 minute.
Boomerang my A**Defeat the first Boomer in less than 1 minute.
BrawlerComplete and kill all enemies in a level only using Dusty Slam.
Da VinciUnlock all Artwork.
Dr. JonesFind all Secret Areas.
Dusty Smash!Dusty Slam every kind of enemy.
GenocideKill every single enemy in the entire game, no enemies left alive.
Golden Jungle Part CinqComplete W1L5 100%.
Golden Jungle Part DeuxComplete W1L2 100%.
Golden Jungle Part QuatreComplete W1L4 100%.
Golden Jungle Part QuatreComplete W1L4 100%.
Golden Jungle Part SixComplete W1L6 100%.
Golden Jungle Part TroisComplete W1L3 100%.
Golden Jungle Part UnComplete W1L1 100%.
Golden Jungle part HuitComplete W1L8 100%.
Golden Jungle part SeptComplete W1L7 100%.
GoldshowerCollect all Lion Trophies.
HardboiledComplete Jungle World 100% on Hard Mode.
Hat CollectorFind all Hats.
LemmingsPush 5 enemies to their deaths.
LightheartedComplete Jungle World 100% on Easy Mode.
LionzordCollect a Lion Trophy.
Man of SteelComplete a level without dying.
Master of World OneComplete Jungle World 100% on Normal mode.
PacifistComplete a level without killing a single enemy.
Peak-a-BooUse the Photo Mode.
Pogo Vertigo 1Complete Pogo Vertigo 1 100%.
Pogo Vertigo 2Complete Pogo Vertigo 2 100%.
Pogo Vertigo 3Complete Pogo Vertigo 3 100%.
Richie RichCollect all Gems in the game.
The BeginningComplete W1L1.
You're not supposed to be hereFind a Secret Area.