Achievement | How to unlock
Apologies | Receive an apology from the System.
Atomic project | Solve the riddle of the great project.
Awakening | Try to understand what is going on.
Burning | Fail the trial of your old friends.
Event | Chose option no2 answering the question "Do you regret what you've done?"
Fire | Die in fire.
General | Solve the General's riddle.
Half-life | Enrage the Administrator.
Hatred | Chose option no3 answering the question "Do you regret what you've done?"
Hell | Get the ending number 3.
Limb | Go through the room of shadows and survive.
Mistake | Chose option no4 answering the question "Do you regret what you've done?"
Mystery | Learn a terrible secret about yourself.
New numbers | Solve the Fibonacci numbers' riddle.
Numbers | Solve the first riddle.
Prison | Get the ending number 2.
Professor | Find out what your name is.
Redemption | Get the ending number 1.
Salvation | Avoid the Administrator's trap.
The great scientist | Find out what your last name is.
Torture | Die by the Administrator's hand.
Weakness | Chose option no1 answering the question "Do you regret what you've done?"