Achievement | How to unlock
Big Ear | Listen to all the dialogues without skipping.
Can I Keep Him? | Obtain the mechanical helper.
Cleverman | Solve five mini-games without skipping.
Doctor's Appointment | Meet Doctor Marvin.
Faster than the Wind | Use the map to fast travel at least ten times.
First-Aid Kit | Provide first aid to Puppet Nurse.
IQ-uick | Solve a Hidden-object scene in less than three minutes.
Keen Curiosity | Employ ten attacks on Marjory's and James' dolls on the map.
Premiere Night | Watch all of the cut-scenes in the main game without skipping.
Skip-o-tron | Skip the mini-game.
Snidesman | Obtain a full bag of counterfeit money without skipping.
Winner in Life | Win the fight without skipping.