Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
... vici!Take control over 30 towns within one game.
... vidi, ...Take control over 15 towns within one game.
1-Way-WeaponsUse up 4,000 handheld weapons in boarding combats.
1st ARRR!chievementFist time on sea.
Arm of the LawDestroy 10 pirate hide-outs.
Arrr!First time boarded a vessel successfully.
As you wish10 tasks fulfilled.
Aye aye, Capt'n!Reach the highest rank.
BeelzebubHighest fame as 'Pirate'.
CheckmateReduce a nation's number of towns down to one.
Collector's desirePossess all ship types in one game.
ConquerorA town annexation by matial methods.
Crow's NestDiscover 10 pirate nests in a single game.
D-FenceDefend a town from 5 attacks.
David-versus-GoliathWin a battle with a pinnace against at least 60 guns.
Davy Jones' LockerSink 1,000 vessels.
First among equalsWin a multiplayer game.
Flawless VictoryWin a battle without taking any damage.
Got ye new ShipThe first vessel purchased.
Hey Mr. TallymanTurn over manually a total ammount of 100,000 barrels.
HortingPosess 250,000 barrels of goods within one game.
HospitableCreate and finish a game with at least 2 Users.
Hunt for BootyLoot 25,000 barrels.
HypocriticalPray 10 times.
KeelhaulRescue 100 sailors from sharks.
Kudos!Tutorial completed successfully.
Land LubberBuild 250 buildings.
Lean BackPatrol fought out 500 battles.
Lord of WarBe in possession of 5,000 guns.
Master of BendersVisit all 60 taverns.
PeacemakerA town take over by peaceful methods.
PlunderingAmbush a trader.
Puppet MasterOccupy 15,000 employees within one game.
ShellbackSpend 50 hours in the Caribbean.
Ship Ahoy!First naval battle.
Ship NamingName a convoy.
The Message is Trading, dude!A trading route is active since 365 days.
There, I fixed it!Perform an emergency repair.
Treasure ChestPile up to 4 million gold pieces within one game.
Treasure HunterFind a hidden treasure.
True HeroReach the highest popularity in a town.
Veni, ...Take control over 5 towns within one game.
Walk the PlankDestroy a pirate convoy.
Wedding bellsMarry.
What's yours is mineAnnex a fellow player's town.
White LambHighest fame as 'Trader'.
Whizz-KidMaximize all abilities of a captain.
WistfulnessThe first vessel sold.
Wolf in Sheep's ClothingHighest fame as 'Buccaneer'.
You're WelcomeReach the highest reputation in a nation.