Port Royale (PC) | CheatingDome.com |
Best Ships
This cheat only works if you start with tutorial cause you get heaps of money. Anyway what you do is after getting heaps of money from the tobacco go to port royale and capture jean flearys ship, then go and distroy charles vane. with the reward you get repair you ships and buy more of what ever you need. Then go to the grand bahamas and capture to trade flute ships from the dutch. sell the contents to got more money and repair the ships again and buy more of what ever you need (again). Then with full saloirs go back to the dutch area of the caribbean and try and find a big ship called a galleon. capture the galleon and leave any other ships that sail with it. you only need the galleon. Then put the Galleon with full everthing. if you find yourself with money in the minuses then sell your the original ships (the brigs) and one trade flute ship (before you sell your ships put all the canons and swords into storage) when you capture the ship all the infamous pirates will own galleons. go around and capture the pirate ships when you haven three galleons look for a pirate that has a huge ship. thats called a liner and they are really powerful. Capture that and their you have four really good ships continuie the game as you like.
P.S. you and go around caturing tonnes of dutch ship but don't worry about military convoys because you easly out number them.Lots of Money
This will make you very rich. If u start out at Magarita on the tutorial you will notice the high price of tobacco. Go to one of the other ports and buy as much tobbaco as you can. (as long as your buying price is less than 900) Then take it back to Margarita and sell it. Keep doing this until you have as mich monry as you want. (Usually in Margarita they will buy it for 1000 per barrel!!!)