Planar Conquest (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A bolt from the blueKill an enemy hero on the world map.
AirbenderTake control over every city on Air plane.
Ant-MageCast a spell with Draylik.
Ashes to ashesRaze a city.
AvatarRecruit a hero.
Bad MojoWin as Myrodants.
Begone!Banish an enemy Sorcerer Lord.
BeholdWin as Eyegor.
Best Friends ForeverMake an alliance with another Sorcerer Lord.
Big BossWin as Orcs.
Captain ElementHave a unit deal fire, cold, electrical and acid damage with one attack.
Cobbler DratewkaKill a Drake with a Settler unit.
ConquerorCapture a city.
Created to winWin as custom Sorcerer Lord.
Dark WizardReach maximum level with Nehanash.
Death from aboveConquer a city with army commanded by Vendral.
Devil will CryConquer Hell Gateway feature.
DominatrixWin by casting Spell of Domination.
DragonlanceWin as Draconians.
Drill SergeantRecruit a unit in one of your cities.
Dungeon MasterExplore a world feature.
Earth Wind & FireAchieve tier 9 in all elemental circles.
ExterminatusWin the game by defeating all Sorcerer Lords.
Founding FatherFound a new city.
Ghost in the shellWin as R'jak.
God GogWin as Magog.
Grey EminenceWin as Grey Elves.
GrimoireResearch all available spells.
Guardian of the TreasuresDefend your city with army commanded by Kjorgi.
Hedge WizardCast a spell.
High LordWin as High Men.
Hive MotherWin as Prithvi Mata.
HoarderHave six max level heroes with all of their equipment slots filled.
Hollow KingWin as Unhallowed.
Holy WaterBless a Water Elemental.
Horse LoverAdd Elven Hussar to your army.
I am backReturn from banishment.
I see darknessWin as Rastiss.
In your Own ImageCreate a Custom Sorcerer Lord.
Lady DraculaWin as Erzsebet.
Last of his KindRecruit The Last Uruthian.
Life is GoodWin as Ariel.
MatriarchWin as Dark Elves.
MerchantMake a trade with another Sorcerer Lord.
MetropolisConstruct all buildings in a city.
Mr. NuttcrackerWin an encounter with army commanded by Bonebasher.
MulticulturalismHave a city of three living races.
NecronomiconWin as Alhasret.
New girlWin as Neve.
Ogre ShamanCast a spell with Ogre Mage.
Pimp my soldierEnchant a unit with five unit enchantments.
Plane ScapeTravel to another plane.
PopulousHave at least 100k population in your empire.
Princess MakerWin as Istimaeth.
Scaly SupriseWin as Drakhis.
ScribeResearch a spell.
Serve MeSummon a champion.
Silence will fallWin the game without casting any spells.
So long, and thanks for the spellsDefeat a Sorcerer Lord.
Sorcerer of FortuneWin as Markas.
Sorcerer under the MountainWin as Dwarves.
SpellslingerReach 100 spellcraft.
StargateVisit earth plane by going through Earth Portal.
SuperheroHave a hero reach maximum level.
The emperor has no clothesWin a game having spent (or gained) no points in Sorcerer Lord creation.
The Old Man and the throneWin as Merlin.
The Stout KingWin as Varkin.
Tinker TailorForge an artifact.
Undead LeaderRecruit Aelys the Broken.
VictorWin a battle.
WaterworldBuild a city on water plane.
You know my nameReach 100 fame.
Zero to HeroHave a unit reach maximum level.