Pimiko Plus (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Ain't Just Raiding the FridgeFinish a game as the Raider class, with at least 500,000 RMD in your possession.
Creepy Mother-In-LawUnknown.
Doting Mother-In-LawUnknown.
Dr. Ruho, MDFinish a game as the Doctor class, with at least 500,000 RMD in your possession.
Healie-MamaAs the Doctor class, administer healthcare to 3 wounded raiders in a run.
Livin' in the Junker ParadiseFinish a game as the Junker class, with at least 500,000 RMD in your possession.
MalpracticeAs the Doctor class, successfully rob a merchant.
MerchantHoard 1,000,000 RMD.
MogulFill your ever greedy coffers with 5,000,000 RMD.
Novice TraderFatten your wallet to 500,000 RMD.
Queen of DespairFinish a game as the Raider class with a reputation for unbridled brutality.
Ruho Micro!As the Junker class, sell 50 Microcomputers in the TSS Hapytown market in one transaction.
Ruho Soft!As the Junker class, sell 100 units of Microcomputer Software in the TSS Hapytown market in one transaction.
Sweetie-MamaAs the Raider class, have at least 5 meals with wandering merchants in a given run.
The Most BasicFinish a game as the Scrounger class, with at least 500,000 RMD to your name.