Achievement | How to unlock
Aviator! | Rank up to an Aviator
Baby's First Crash | Crash once
Baby's First Landing | Land successfully once
Cadet! | Rank up to a Cadet
Captain! | Rank up to a Captain
Feel Good About Yourself? You Should. | Land successfully 50 times
Flip Your Lid | Do a front flip
Flip Your Lid... Backwards | Do a backflip
Full of Hot Air | Fly between the basket and the hot air balloon (Secret)
Getting Dizzy | Do 10 front flips
Getting Dizzy... Backwards | Do 10 backflips
Gull Darn It! | Hit 10 bird while in the air
Hit and Don't Run | Get hit by a car while standing up (Secret)
Human or Bird? | Stay in the air for an entire minute
It's Almost Like You're Talented! | Land successfully 100 times
Jetpacks Aren't Waterproof | Land in the water
Major! | Rank up to a Major
Maybe Be More Careful? | Crash 50 times
Maybe You Actually Have Skill | Land successfully 500 times
Not Sure How You're Still Alive | Crash 1,000 times
Okay, You're Officially Good At This | Land successfully 1,000 times
Piloteer! | Rank up to a Piloteer
Platinum Aviator! | Rank up to a Platinum Aviator
Platinum Cadet! | Rank up to a Platinum Cadet
Platinum Captain! | Rank up to a Platinum Captain
Platinum Major! | Rank up to a Platinum Major
Platinum Piloteer! | Rank up to a Platinum Piloteer
That was a PROpellor Move. Get it? | Get hit by a plane's propellors (Secret)
Try Landing On Your Feet | Crash 100 times
Trying to Escape? | Fly as high as possible (Secret)
Whirly Girl | Do 100 front flips
Whirly Girl... Backwards | Do 100 backflips
You Really Hate Birds | Hit 100 birds while in the air
You Really Like Hurting Yourself | Crash 500 times
You're Fowl | Hit 50 birds while in the air
You're Not Bad! | Land successfully 10 times
YOU'RE ON A BOAT | Land inside the back of the motor boat at The Pier (Secret)
You're wheely good | Land on a ferris wheel car, then let it take you around a full cycle
You've Only Just Begun | Crash 10 times