Piloteer (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Aviator!Rank up to an Aviator
Baby's First CrashCrash once
Baby's First LandingLand successfully once
Cadet!Rank up to a Cadet
Captain!Rank up to a Captain
Feel Good About Yourself? You Should.Land successfully 50 times
Flip Your LidDo a front flip
Flip Your Lid... BackwardsDo a backflip
Full of Hot AirFly between the basket and the hot air balloon (Secret)
Getting DizzyDo 10 front flips
Getting Dizzy... BackwardsDo 10 backflips
Gull Darn It!Hit 10 bird while in the air
Hit and Don't RunGet hit by a car while standing up (Secret)
Human or Bird?Stay in the air for an entire minute
It's Almost Like You're Talented!Land successfully 100 times
Jetpacks Aren't WaterproofLand in the water
Major!Rank up to a Major
Maybe Be More Careful?Crash 50 times
Maybe You Actually Have SkillLand successfully 500 times
Not Sure How You're Still AliveCrash 1,000 times
Okay, You're Officially Good At ThisLand successfully 1,000 times
Piloteer!Rank up to a Piloteer
Platinum Aviator!Rank up to a Platinum Aviator
Platinum Cadet!Rank up to a Platinum Cadet
Platinum Captain!Rank up to a Platinum Captain
Platinum Major!Rank up to a Platinum Major
Platinum Piloteer!Rank up to a Platinum Piloteer
That was a PROpellor Move. Get it?Get hit by a plane's propellors (Secret)
Try Landing On Your FeetCrash 100 times
Trying to Escape?Fly as high as possible (Secret)
Whirly GirlDo 100 front flips
Whirly Girl... BackwardsDo 100 backflips
You Really Hate BirdsHit 100 birds while in the air
You Really Like Hurting YourselfCrash 500 times
You're FowlHit 50 birds while in the air
You're Not Bad!Land successfully 10 times
YOU'RE ON A BOATLand inside the back of the motor boat at The Pier (Secret)
You're wheely goodLand on a ferris wheel car, then let it take you around a full cycle
You've Only Just BegunCrash 10 times