Pillars of Eternity (PC)


Console command line cheat codes

Hit the tilde (`) key to bring up the the text box and type "iroll20s" to unlock the console commands. Note that doing so will disable steam achievements.

AddAbility playername nameofabilityAdds abilitys (Talents) to a specific player.
AddItem itemname stackcountamountAdds items.
AdvanceTimeByHour numberofhoursFast forwards time.
AddExperience amountGives Experiance.
GivePlayerMoney amountGives money.
RemovePlayerMoney amountRemoves money.
AttributeScore playername attributename amountSets base attribute score.
Skill playername skillname amountSets base skill score.
SetTime timewantedSets time (1 for 1am, 14 for 2 pm)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
5 Upgrades in StrongholdComplete at least 5 upgrades in the stronghold.
A Voice from the DeepReach the reliquary in the Abbey of the Fallen Moon.
AlchemistCreate 3 or more different potions.
All Upgrades in StrongholdComplete all of the upgrades in the stronghold.
Among the Moss and PeatDefeat the menace of Mowrghek Îen.
Appease All of the GodsComplete all of the god appeasement quests.
Bounty HunterComplete at least four bounties offered at the Warden's Lodge or Stalwart.
Called to their LaborStop the threat you saw in your dreams.
ChefCreate 5 or more different food items.
Completed Act IIIYou have completed Act III.
Completed Act IIYou have completed Act II.
Completed Act IYou have completed Act I.
DispositionAttain rank 3 in at least three Dispositions.
EnchanterApply 5 or more different enchantments.
ExpertComplete the game on Expert mode.
ExplorerVisit every map (excluding those in The White March).
First 5 Levels of Od NuaComplete the first 5 levels of the Endless Paths of Od Nua.
Fish Guts and MurderRecruit Zahua and the Devil of Caroc as companions.
From the Clouds to the DepthsKill the sky dragon and adra dragon.
Frozen Crown SoloComplete the White March and Pillars of Eternity on Expert, Trial of Iron, and Path of the Damned modes without taking any companions after Cilant Lîs.
Frozen CrownComplete the White March and Pillars of Eternity on Expert, Trial of Iron, and Path of the Damned modes.
Herald of the Old FlameRestart the fabled White Forge.
Kickstarter BackerThanks for all of your support!
Last 5 Levels of Od NuaComplete the last 5 levels of the Endless Paths of Od Nua.
Legendary EnchanterPlace the Legendary enchantment on one weapon or shield and one armor.
Make an AdventurerCreate and hire an adventurer from the Adventurer's Hall.
Middle 5 Levels of Od NuaComplete the middle 5 levels of the Endless Paths of Od Nua.
No Rest for the ProComplete the game with fewer than 10 rests.
Path of the DamnedComplete the game on Path of the Damned mode.
Relative PacifismComplete the game killing fewer than 175 creatures and NPCs.
ScribeCreate 3 or more different scrolls.
SoloComplete the game without taking any companions after Cilant Lis.
SoulbinderUnlock all the powers of a soulbound weapon.
Super MurdererComplete the game killing 1200 or more creatures and NPCs.
Terror of the White MarchDefeat the dragon that dwells in the White March.
The GiftbearerRecruit Maneha as a companion.
The Heir of Caed NuaDefend your position as the master of Caed Nua.
The Siege of CrägholdtComplete the Siege of Crägholdt quest.
The Storied AdventurerComplete a Minor, Average, Major, Grand, and Legendary stronghold adventure.
The UltimateComplete the White March and Pillars of Eternity, defeat all dragons, all bounties, and both archmages on Expert, Trial of Iron, and Path of the Damned modes without taking any companions after Cilant Lîs.
The Watcher With Eight FriendsRecruit all companions (excluding those in The White March).
TrappyPlace 5 or more trap items.
Trial of IronComplete the game on Trial of Iron mode.
Triple Crown SOLOComplete the game on Expert, Trial of Iron, and Path of the Damned modes without taking any companions after Cilant Lis.
Triple CrownComplete the game on Expert, Trial of Iron, and Path of the Damned modes.
Watcher at the BreachOpen the sealed doors of Durgan's Battery.
Won the Game!!!Congratulations! You have completed the game.
Zero KnockoutsComplete the game without any party members hitting 0 Endurance.