Phantom Brigade (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
3 Birds, One StoneEliminate 3 enemies in a single turn.
A Little R&RRest and resupply for the first time.
Against All OddsWin the Capital battle with no liberated provinces.
Aggressive NegotiationsEnter combat with a team of aggressive pilots.
Beam ReflectorReflect a beam three times before hitting an enemy in a turn.
Calling FriendsCall the Home Guard at maximum reputation.
Capital LiberatorComplete Capital liberation scenarios.
Cat PersonCultivate a strong bond with the cat.
Clean RecordBring criminal reputation to 0.
Clean SweepLiberate the Capital without losing a single pilot.
Cleaning HouseDefeat a hostile entity in a liberated province.
Dash and DodgeDodge a missile using the dash action.
DauntlessWin a war without losing a single Home Guard war score.
Dog PersonCultivate a strong bond with the dog.
Dressed To ImpressCustomize livery for the first time.
Environmental EliminationEliminate an enemy via environmental damage.
FearsomeForce all enemies in a scenario to eject.
First LossLose a pilot in battle for the first time.
First StepsLiberate a province via war.
Friendly FiredEliminate an enemy by friendly fire during a turn.
Home ImprovementUnlock every base upgrade.
Just a SetbackLose a war.
Keep It CoolWin combat without overheating any units.
Knock OutWin combat by knocking out all enemy units.
Made You LookDamage an enemy by ricochet during a turn.
Melee MasterEliminate three enemies using a single melee attack.
Missile BarrageHave at least hundred missiles in flight during a turn.
Mix and MatchCustomize a unit with Common, Uncommon, and Rare parts.
Mobile ZooHave a cat and dog onboard at the same time.
Only Takes OneLiberate a base with only a single unit.
Peak MoraleWin a war while at maximum Hope.
PerseveranceWin without losing pilots during a high survival streak.
Play It BackUse replay for the first time.
Play Your WayPlay Phantom Brigade with mods enabled.
RailgunnerEliminate three enemy units with a single railgun attack.
Take It BackLiberate all provinces in the country.
The Black MarketDiscover the Black Market for the first time.
The Civilian MarketDiscover the Civilian Market for the first time.
The First MonthReach 30 in-game days in a single campaign.
The Long MarchReach 120 in-game days in a single campaign.
WeatheringCapture a base in heavy rain.
Weight ClassCrash a lightweight unit into a heavy enemy unit.
Welcome, CommanderStart a new game of Phantom Brigade.
Workshop WizardObtain every workshop blueprint.
Year OneReach 360 in-game days in a single campaign.
Zero FixHit 0 Liquid Fix for the first time while a unit is damaged.