Peregrin (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Almost ThereReach the fifth monolith.
Complete Chapter 1Reach the first monolith.
Complete Chapter 2Reach the second monolith.
Complete Chapter 3Reach the third monolith.
Complete Chapter 4Reach the fourth monolith.
Complete Chapter 5Reach the final monolith.
DiscovererDiscover all investigation points.
DiscoveryDiscover an investigation point.
Eloheem MasterPossess a creature 100 times.
Final ChannelActivate the last totem in your journey.
FratricideForce an enemy to kill their ally.
ImmuneUse a light enemy to kill a ranged enemy.
Instigator IActivate 5 totems.
Instigator IIActivate 10 totems.
Instigator IIIActivate 20 totems.
Joining the FallenDie 5 times.
Know Thy EnemyPossess every possible creature.
Old TechnologyGive yourself the upper hand in Chapter 2's final battle.
Par CourseMake your way across Chapter 3's crucibles with 15 or fewer button presses.
PatienceKill an enemy using a sentry turret in Chapter 5.
PossessorPossess a creature 10 times.
Pure Luck #1Complete the Chapter 3 generator puzzle first try.
Pure Luck #2Complete the Chapter 5 plane flame puzzle first try.
Quick LearnerComplete Chapter 1 without dying.
TankClear a battle zone using only a single heavy enemy.
What a viewSpend 60 seconds on a single vista scene.
WilfulPossess a creature 50 times.