Achievement | How to unlock
Avenger | Help the girl take her revenge
Brainiac | Complete the game with an average mark not lower than B
Brainiac+ | Complete the game with an average mark not lower than B+
Breakfast in Heaven | Fairly send 500 clients to Heaven
Buddy Jesus | Arrange a meeting between the father and the son
Cat Whisperer | Adopt a kitten
Catastrophe Master | Complete 19 unique catastrophes at least once
Catastrophic! | Take part in 10 catastrophes and complete them
Clever Clog | Complete the game with an average mark not lower than C
Clever Clog+ | Complete the game with an average mark not lower than C+
Detective | Reach rank 'Detective'
Dinner in Hell | Fairly send 500 clients to Hell
Doctor? | Who? (Secret)
Elevator Won't Hold! | Stop the Troops of War
Evil Dead | Help Bruce solve his problems
Excellent job, Reaper! I | Complete all days of the first week with mark not lower than A+
Excellent job, Reaper! II | Complete all days of the second week with mark not lower than A+
Excellent job, Reaper! III | Complete all days of the third week with mark not lower than A+
Excellent job, Reaper! IV | Complete all days of the fourth week with mark not lower than A+
Excellent job, Reaper! V | Complete all days of the fifth week with mark not lower than A+
Excellent job, Reaper! VI | Complete all days of the sixth week with mark not lower than A+
Excellent job, Reaper! VII | Complete all days of the seventh week with mark not lower than A+
Flavor King | Cook a tasty soup 10 times
Four Seasons | Have you seen any pants?
Good job, Reaper! I | Complete all days of the first week with mark not lower than B+
Good job, Reaper! II | Complete all days of the second week with mark not lower than B+
Good job, Reaper! III | Complete all days of the third week with mark not lower than B+
Good job, Reaper! IV | Complete all days of the fourth week with mark not lower than B+
Good job, Reaper! V | Complete all days of the fifth week with mark not lower than B+
Good job, Reaper! VI | Complete all days of the sixth week with mark not lower than B+
Good job, Reaper! VII | Complete all days of the seventh week with mark not lower than B+
Great job, Reaper! I | Complete all days of the first week with mark not lower than A
Great job, Reaper! II | Complete all days of the second week with mark not lower than A
Great job, Reaper! III | Complete all days of the third week with mark not lower than A
Great job, Reaper! IV | Complete all days of the fourth week with mark not lower than A
Great job, Reaper! V | Complete all days of the fifth week with mark not lower than A
Great job, Reaper! VI | Complete all days of the sixth week with mark not lower than A
Great job, Reaper! VII | Complete all days of the seventh week with mark not lower than A
Greed | Deal with your greediness
Guardian of the Border | Stop the Troops of War 10 times
Hand of Death | Reach 'Hand of Death'
Hell of a Job! | Successfully complete work in Hell 10 times
High Achiever | Complete the game with an average mark not lower than A
High Achiever+ | Complete the game with an average mark not lower than A+
Hotline | Be a good liaison
Hunger Breaks Stone Walls! | Carry out Famine's assignment
It's Fate | Play with your fate
Kakie vashi dokazatelstva?? | Show your investigation skills
Lunch in Purgatory | Fairly send 500 clients to Purgatory
Mere Accident | Take part in a catastrophe and complete it
Minion of Death | Reach rank 'Minion of Death'
Mr. Attention | Expose 10 Paradox agents
No Ghost-Trespassing | Catch a ghost
Nobody's Home | Help a trainee over the phone
Papers, Please! | Open a safe with smuggled goods
Plague Is Here! | Carry out Pestilence's assignment
Punisher | Reach rank 'Punisher'
Purgatory Is Open! | Live to see the opening of Purgatory
Rats. It Must Be Rats | Deal with rats
Ratter | Deal with rats 10 times
Robot and a Boy | Point cyborg the way
Safecracker | Open a safe with smuggled goods 10 times
Secret Agent | Expose a Paradox agent
Seer of Truth | Reach rank 'Seer of Truth'
So Diligent! | Carry out 5 Death's assignments
Supernatural! | Let it be canon!
Support Service | Help a trainee over the phone 10 times
Tasty. But Not for Everyone | Cook a tasty soup
The End Is Coming! | Arrange a local catastrophe with the help of Doomsayer
The Great Reaper | Reach rank 'The Great Reaper'
This Means War! | Carry out War's assignment
Welcome to Hell! | Successfully complete work in Hell