Achievement | How to unlock
Adam | Give names to all who are tongue-tied and mute.
Alarm Bell | Unknown.
And nothing will remain | Unknown.
Another Sky | Witness another Sky.
Big Heart | Unknown.
Carpetbagger | Unknown.
Clear Conscience | Return what you didn't deserve.
Clockwork | Touch the thing that produces time.
Comes the Commander | Unknown.
Comes the Inquisitor | Unknown.
Days grow shorter | Unknown.
Deal | Unknown.
Diurnal Ending | Unknown.
Doctor's Risk | Unknown.
Dream On | Witness all dreams... including those you'd rather not.
Farewell | Unknown.
Fate No More | Refuse fate... and face the consequences.
Heavenly Train | Try your hand at train-summoning.
His Grace | Unknown.
In Kind | Repay kindness in kind.
L'appel du Vide | Hear the Plague's voice.
Late | Unknown.
Life has become shorter yet | Unknown.
Magic Lantern | See the Town's history on the walls.
More Than Meat | Unknown.
Mute Curse | Become cursed to remain silent... sometimes.
Nights grow shorter | Unknown.
No Reflection | Disperse all Reflections.
Nocturnal Ending | Unknown.
Not a Dream | Unknown.
On the Run | Unknown.
One For All | Face the future with Lara, Grief, and Stakh.
Pantomimes | Watch every pantomime.
Parcels of Life | Unknown.
Rotten Tooth | Unknown.
Seconds slip through your fingers | Unknown.
Tag | Trade with children twenty-seven times.
Three Graces | "Why? What was the purpose of my life?"
Ticking Away | Unknown.
Time has worn out | Unknown.
Time is merciless | Unknown.
Time waits for no one | Unknown.
Umbilical Cord | Wait with a friend for the next day to come.
Victoria's Trace | Find out if the immortal soul exists.
We're Only Looking | Unknown.
Whee! | Unknown.
Wonder Bull | Unknown.
You can't hold to the past | Unknown.
You'll soon run out of time | Unknown.