Particle Mace (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Whole Mess Of KillsKill 10000 foes.
Beat The GameBeat the entire game. Everything must be complete. There can be nothing left to do, no score to beat, no foe to smash.
BFFRevive a teammate 15 times in one co-op game.
Co-op Score AsteroidScore 500 on Asteroid in co-op.
Co-op Score EasyScore 4000 on Easy in co-op.
Co-op Score HardScore 4000 on Hard in co-op.
Deathmatch KillsHave 1000 deaths in Deathmatch.
Earn This AchievementYou earn this achievement by earning it.
Killed By The SnitchGet killed by the snitch foe.
Loop Hard MusicLast long enough for the music to loop in single player Hard mode.
Mess With XMLCrack open some XML.
Perfect CreditsComplete the credits without crashing.
Player Deaths5000 player ships have exploded.
Score AsteroidScore 400 on Asteroid.
Score Asteroid Show-offScore 401 on Asteroid with the Show-off Ship.
Score EasyScore 3000 on Easy.
Score Easy Show-offScore 3001 on Easy with the Show-off Ship.
Score HardScore 3000 on Hard.
Score Hard Show-offScore 3001 on Hard with the Show-off Ship.
Team PacifistGo 60 seconds without killing or crashing in co-op Hard.
Unlock All ShipsYou'll need to unlock all of the ships.