Overruled! (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
BootyliciousA penny saved. Collect 1000 coins.
BrawlerPOW! Right in the kisser. Land 500 melee attacks.
Crime Doesnt PayKill 50 Swag Bag carriers.
Give Peace A ChancePacifist. In one game, disable both melee and ranged attacks.
I Like EveryoneKind of a big deal. Win at least 5 games with each of the characters.
InterceptorDrop it. Kill 3 Swag Bag carriers in one game.
LonewolfDisable team mode twice in one game.
MVPStreak is not a verb! Win 5 games in a row.
NOT TODAY!You’re a survivor. Go an entire game without dying.
OBJECTION!Over...meh you get the point. Play 150 Overruled! cards.
OvercomeDying is the new meta. Win a game after dying 20 times.
Party PooperYou used to be cool. Play 3 Overruled! cards in one game.
Pure MassacreBig head mode. Stack 3 headhunter skulls.
ReaperPretty Grim. Kill 10 players while the 10 second respawn card is active.
Silent HillSurvival. Be the only person alive, standing in the hill.
The View From Up HereGG easy. Win a game by 500 points or more.
TurnoverNews just in: That guy hates you. Play the Swag Bag card when somebody else is holding the bag.
VeteranHah, know-it-all. Win 50 times on 5 different levels.