Out of the Park Baseball 16 (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
1-2-3, Struck out the SideCloser strikes out the side.
Batter of the MonthWin the batter of the month.
Batting AroundBat around in an inning.
Batting ChampionHave a player lead the league in BA.
Blowout InningScore 15 runs in an inning.
Corner PainterStrike out 10 batters in a game.
Crossing the PlateScore 6 or more runs in a game.
Dominating ShowScore 20 runs in a shutout.
DominationPitch a no-hitter.
Double DigitsScore 10 runs in an inning.
Double DingerHit 2 HRs in a game.
Down and OutScore 15 runs in a shutout.
Drive 'em inGet 6 or more RBI in a game.
ERA CrownHave a player lead the league in ERA.
Going to the PlayoffsReach the post-season.
Great GloveWin the fielder of the year award.
Hit MachineGet 4 hits in a game.
Hitting Triple CrownWin the hitting triple crown.
Home Run ChampionHave a player lead the league in HRs.
Hot BatGet 6 or more hits in a game.
In the WheelhouseGet 5 hits in a game.
Knock Them InGet 5 RBI in a game.
Manager of the YearWin the manager of the year award.
Milestone Win3000 Career Wins.
Milestone Win500 Career Wins.
Milestone Win1500 Career Wins.
MoneyballWin the championship on a low budget.
Most Pitching WinsHave a player lead the league in wins
MVPWin the MVP.
On a RollRecord a 15-game win streak.
On a RollRecord a 10-game win streak.
On a RollRecord a 5-game win streak.
PerfectionPitch a perfect game.
Pitcher of the MonthWin the pitcher of the month.
Pitcher of the YearWin the pitcher of the year award.
Pitching Triple CrownWin the pitching triple crown.
Plate the RunnersGet 8 RBI in a game.
PoundingScore 30 runs in a game.
Putting up ZerosPitch a shutout.
Reached the FinalsReach the finals.
Rookie of the MonthWin the rookie of the month.
Rookie of the YearWin the rookie of the year award.
RoutScore 20 runs in a game.
Score at WillScore 5 runs in a game.
Season Over - Good JobAchieve a season score above 80.
Season Over - Not BadAchieve a season score above 60.
Season Over - Well DoneAchieve a season score above 100.
Shutting Them DownScore 10 runs in a shutout.
SlugfestScore 15 runs in a game.
SluggerHit 4 HR in a game.
Sweeping the FinalsWin the championship in a sweep.
Team EffortScore 6 runs in an inning.
The CycleHit for the cycle.
The SweepSweep a playoff series.
Touch the PlateScore 4 runs in a game.
Traded for an All-StarTrade for a recent all-star.
Traded for an MVPTrade for a recent MVP winner.
Triple DingerHit 3 HRs in a game.
UnhittableStrike out 15 batters in a game.
UntouchableStrike out 18 batters in a game.
Walk-OffHit a walk-off HR.
Walk-Off Grand SlamHit a walk-off Grand Slam.
Winning it AllWin the championship.