Orcs Must Die! Deathtrap (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Daddy's HomeUnlock Max.
FreeballingWin a Mission without Placing any Barricades.
Ghostfang DefeatedDefeat Ghostfang.
Harlow VictoryWin a Mission as Harlow.
I Can Stop AnytimeGamble Forward with one Rift Point Remaining.
Jinfrum DefeatedDefeat Jinfrum the Rejuvenator.
Kalos VictoryWin a Mission as Kalos.
Mac VictoryWin a Mission as Mac.
Marathon SeshComplete Mission 10.
Min MaxFully Upgrade one Trap.
Order HeroKill 10,000 Orcs and Friends.
Order LegendKill 100,000 Orcs and Friends.
Remember, You Chose ThisWin a Mission with the Explosive Surprise Distortion.
Rift DefenderComplete Missions 1-3 without Losing a Rift Point.
Rift LordReach level 100 on the Skill Tree.
Sew Many OptionsPurchase ten Threads.
Skelly TimeWin a Night Mission.
Solid GoldPurchase ten Traps.
Sophie VictoryWin a Mission as Sophie.
Stay HydratedWin a Raining Mission.
Sweaty War MageWin Mission 5 at the Highest Difficulty.
Threads of FateComplete Every Thread Milestone.
Traps are WeakWin a Mission without Spending any Rune Coin.
Treasure HunterOpen ten Chests.
Tudd DefeatedDefeat Tudd the Reclaimer.
Unchained CombosActivate Overdrive fifty times.
Vaan VictoryWin a Mission as Vaan.
War Mage SchoolStart the Suggested Tutorial Videos.
Wren VictoryWin a Mission as Wren.
Zadzik DefeatedDefeat Bonelord Zadzik.