Oozi: Earth Adventure (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
1,000 starsCollect 1,000 stars.
100% EasyComplete the game on easy difficulty or higher.
100% HardcoreComplete the game on hardcore difficulty.
100% NormalComplete the game on normal difficulty or higher.
15,000 starsCollect 15,000 stars.
8,000 starsCollect 8,000 stars.
Arcade 10Complete 10 arcade levels.
Arcade 20Complete all 20 arcade levels.
Arcade 5Complete 5 arcade levels.
Arcade masteryComplete all arcade levels with 3-star rank.
BomberKill 25 enemies using bombs.
Challenge 10Beat 10 challenge levels.
Challenge 22Beat 22 challenge levels.
Challenge 44Beat all 44 challenge levels.
Challenge masteryComplete all challenges with 3-star rank.
CollectorScore total of 100,000 points in story mode.
CounterproductiveComplete an arcade level with 0-star rank.
Deadly punchPunch 100 enemies.
Death from aboveKill 10 enemies using a falling rock.
ExplorerFind 10 secret stars.
Final boss defeatedBeat the final boss.
First boss defeatedBeat the first boss.
It wasn't in the tutorial!Kill a hedgehog.
Living bulletKill 10 enemies using another enemy.
Multi killKill 5 enemies by bouncing from one to another.
Obsessive Collecting DisorderComplete a story level with perfect score.
PacifistComplete a story level without killing any creature.
Second boss defeatedBeat the second boss.
SpeedrunnerComplete a story level in less than 5 minutes.
StomperKill 100 enemies using stomp.
Super CollectorScore total of 200,000 points in story mode.
Super ExplorerFind 50 secret stars.
Third boss defeatedBeat the third boss.
Ultra ExplorerFind all 100 secret stars.
UntouchableComplete a story level without taking any damage.