One Military Camp (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Attack of the DronesDestroy 100 enemy drones with your defences.
CapitalismConsume 15.000 among all resources in any of your games.
Counter-espionageDetect fifty enemy spies in your camp.
Crisis CommitteeSuccessfully complete all of Julie's missions in Campaign mode.
Desert PowerRecover all territories in the Desert biome.
Desert RatUnlock the camp in the Desert biome.
EconomistAccumulate 2.500.000 money in a Campaign game.
First StepComplete your first mission successfully.
Good payerFully repay your first loan.
Green EnergyBuild your first power generator using renewable energy, either a Solar Panel or a Aeolic Generator.
HealingCure hundred soldiers from an injury or disease.
Health CareHave a functional treatment building for every possible injury or illness.
Human ResourcesHire 350 soldiers or workers between all your games.
IndebtedTake a loan for the first time.
Jantine, the Misfortunes of EvilDefeat Jantine in Campaign Mode.
No News is Good NewsDefeat Helga in Campaign mode.
Outdoor DecoratorBuild hundred decorative elements.
OverpopulationGet a population of 100 in any of your camps.
PathfinderBuild 3.000 path units.
People's HeroAchieve 100% Popularity in every town on the map.
Perfect SoldierTrain a soldier until all stats are maxed out.
Property BroConstruct 500 buildings between all your games.
ReconquestDefeat Dragan and complete Campaign mode.
ResearcherComplete all the research in the Tech Tree.
Self-managementHave at least twenty soldiers managed by an instructor in the same camp.
SnowmanRecover all territories in the Snow biome.
SupersoldierTrain a recruit in the Supersoldier specialisation for the first time.
Tear Down the Wall!Defeat Berker in Campaign mode.
The 4 PillarsBuild all Skill trainings in a camp for the first time.
There's something in those treesRecover all territories in the Forest biome.
Training CampBuild all possible types of speciality trainings.
Vive le RésistanceSuccessfully complete all of Charlie's missions in Campaign mode.
War VeteranSuccessfully complete 200 missions in any of your games.
Winter SoldierUnlock the camp in the Snow biome.