One Deck Dungeon (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Alchemist VictoryWin a game with the Alchemist in your party.
All Maxed OutFill all the spaces of all the core hero progression sheets.
Archer VictoryWin a game with the Archer in your party.
Better Not TouchLose a game by taking damage from running out of poison tokens.
Cat-like AgilityWin a game only claiming agility items and skills, and only using agility or free skills.
Challenge AcceptedDefeat a 3-dot dungeon boss on Fearless difficulty with hero progression disabled.
CheapskateWin a game only claiming and using free skills.
Circling the DrainLose a game by converting an item with health due to the Drain effect.
Defeat the Corrupted TreeSurvive the Vile Roots and defeat the Corrupted Tree.
Defeat the DragonSurvive the Cave and defeat the Dragon.
Defeat the Fire GiantSurvive the Smoldering Ruins and defeat the Fire Giant.
Defeat the HydraSurvive the Reef and defeat the Hydra.
Defeat the IndraxSurvive the Lair and defeat the Indrax.
Defeat the LichSurvive the Tomb and defeat the Lich.
Defeat the MinotaurSurvive the Maze and defeat the Minotaur.
Defeat the Mud GolemSurvive the Mudlands and defeat the Mud Golem.
Defeat the Poison ElementalSurvive the Realm of Venom and defeat the Poison Elemental.
Defeat the YetiSurvive the Cavern and defeat the Yeti.
Destroyer of BossesDefeat a boss without taking any damage during the boss fight.
Ding!Reach XP level 4 and convert XP to a potion token.
Do u Even Lift?Win a game only claiming strength items and skills, and only using strength or free skills.
Druid VictoryWin a game with the Druid in your party.
Fearless VictoryWin a game on Fearless difficulty.
Flame OutLose a game by taking damage from the Flames effect.
Flawless Dungeon CrawlReach the boss after covering every challenge box in each encounter you face in the dungeon.
Forest Gauntlet VictorWin the Forest of Shadows Gauntlet Mode.
Forest ScribeLearn each of the 24 unique skills in Forest of Shadows.
Friend of the ForestSurvive each of the 44 unique encounter cards in Forest of Shadows.
Fully PlantedFill all the spaces of all the Forest of Shadows hero progression sheets.
Gauntlet ChampionWin a Gauntlet run on Fearless difficulty.
Gauntlet PerfectionWin a Gauntlet run in just 5 games.
Gauntlet VictorWin the core game Gauntlet Mode.
Hunter VictoryWin a game with the Hunter in your party.
Hybrid SpecialistWin a game using a hybrid deck.
LibrarianLearn each of the 24 unique skills in the core game.
Mage VictoryWin a game with the Mage in your party.
Maxed OutFill all the spaces on a hero progression sheet.
Min-MaxerExile all of the dice of any one color.
Monster HunterSurvive each of the 44 unique encounter cards in the core game.
NewbWin a game at XP level 2 or lower.
No Easy PreyWin a game without facing any encounters that have fewer than 3 XP.
Now You See MeWin a game only claiming magic items and skills, and only using magic or free skills.
Paladin VictoryWin a game with the Paladin in your party.
Riders on the SwarmFace a swarm effect with 4 open doors, cover the wide box and survive!
Rogue VictoryWin a game with the Rogue in your party.
Slayer VictoryWin a game with the Slayer in your party.
TeetotallerWin a game without drinking a potion.
The Better Part of ValorDescend with 4 open doors.
Trick or TreatLose a game by converting poison due to the Poison Snap effect.
UnencumberedWin a game without claiming an item as loot.
UntrainedWin a game without claiming a skill as loot.
Veteran VictoryWin a game on Veteran difficulty.
Warden VictoryWin a game with the Warden in your party.
Warrior VictoryWin a game with the Warrior in your party.
You Got GudCover every challenge box in a combat encounter after rolling too poorly to cover any one box.