Achievement | How to unlock
Developer Jakob's bones | Developer's bones found! Well Done!
Developer Mark Hann's bones | Developer's bones found! Well Done!
Develper Matt Venner's bones | Developer's bones found! Well Done!
Free Willy! | Found Wale bones.
Get to the Chopper! | You found the Chopper!
Highest point | You have achieved the highest point! For Now..
I Have Faith! | You found the lord, well a church.
Leap of Faith | Run, Run, Jump and Miss.
Lost? | Walking in the woods.
Nosey | You are very nosey, searching high and low.
Over a Barrel | You found bard, oh no!
Shipwrecked | You have found the boat!
The Lonely Islands | You have found an Island.
This town ain't big enough | You have entered a town.
Why Here? | Discovered a Row Boat, behind a house.