Achievement | How to unlock
Bouncing Back | Jump on springs 100 times.
Century Star | Collect 100 stars.
Give Us Some Credit! | View the credits screen.
Good Point | Score a total of 10000 points.
I Get The Point | Score a total of 50000 points.
I'm The Boss | Defeat the final boss without losing any stars.
In For The Kill | Kill 100 enemies.
Jump Right In | Jump 1000 times.
KABOOM!!! | Trigger dynamite 25 times.
Let's Roll | Complete Garden Trail Area 1 in under 1 minute and 12 seconds.
Millennium Star | Collect 1000 stars.
Now You're Getting It! | Complete your first area.
One Down, Five To Go! | Complete your first level.
Pinball | Hit bumpers 100 times.
Point Made | Score a total of 25000 points.
Settle A Score | Score a total of 250000 points.
Star Of The Show | Collect 250 stars.
Stellar Performance | Collect 2500 stars.
Supernova | Collect 500 stars.
Take Heart | Find a hidden extra life.
Triple Combo | Hit 3 enemies consecutively.
Turn Things Around | Play the game upside-down!
You Know The Score | Score a total of 100000 points.
You've Done It! | Complete the game.