Off-Road Velociraptor Safari (PC)


Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding award.

AwardHow to unlock
Combo MealScore a 3 catch combo.
Dock WorkerCatch over 20 crates in one game.
End World HungerKill 20 raptors in one game.
ExtinctionKill a total of 1,000 raptors.
High RollerScore 5 games of 1,000,000 points or more.
Insurance FraudTrash the jeep.
It Came From The SkiesJump over 50m to jumpkill a raptor.
Jack of All TradesGet 10 different scores.
Long BombThrow a raptor 50m or more into a catcher.
Long JumpJump a 150m jump.
Mark Your TerritoryUse 5 different catchers in one game.
MarksmanThrow your chainball over 100m to kill a raptor.
MillionareScore over 1,000,000 points in one game.
OCDGet all 100 orbs.
Slaughterhouse 5Have a 5 kill raptor chain.
Stuntman FlexGet a 10 stunt combo.
Take Flight, Brave RaptorsHave 30 seconds of flying raptor in one game.
Two Wheelin'Complete a 10 second two wheel.
Unfriendly SkiesHave 60 seconds of jeep airtime in one game.

Damage the jeep

You can blow off all the doors and the hood by snagging a raptor corpse, then bashing the sides of the jeep with it. Then, boost through the teleporter.

Easy points

To get over 100,000 points, herd a live raptor into the teleporter.