Obscure (PC)


Alternate costumes

Successfully complete the game, then start another game in special mode. Note: Only characters that survived will have an alternate costume.

Alternate menu background

Successfully complete the game to unlock an alternate menu background.

Gallery 1

Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting to unlock Gallery 1.

Gallery 2

Successfully complete the game in special mode to unlock Gallery 2.

Laser-sight pistol

Successfully complete the game under the normal or higher difficulty setting, then start another game in special mode. The first available gun will now be a pistol with a laser sight.

Morgenstern bat

Successfully complete the game, then start another game in special mode.

Special mode

Successfully complete the game.

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
A stroll in the darkCross the gardens.
BrutalKill 50 monsters hand-to-hand.
Class overLeave the office building.
DetentionSearch the basement.
First aidGo to the nurse's office.
Hall passEnter the gardens.
Heavily armedFind all of the weapons.
Honor studentFinish the game in 'Normal' mode.
In my office!Find the principal.
InvestigationCheck out the dorms.
Magna Cum LaudeFinish the game in 'Special' mode.
Present!Every playable character survived at Leafmore.
Private screeningSearch the auditorium.
PrologueFinish the prologue.
ResearchExplore the library.
The EndFinish the game.
Three with one blowKill 3 monsters with a single light grenade.
Trigger happyKill 150 monsters with a firearm.
With DistinctionFinish the game in 'Hard' mode.

Video sequences

Successfully complete the game to unlock a making of, behind the scenes, and two music videos.