Nosgoth (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
AcupuntureKill 2 humans with a single Puncture Kill.
Assistant to...Earn 100 Assists.
BetrayerKill a human with the Deceiver's Backstab ability while Disguise is active.
Blinded by the LightBlind 50 enemies with the Alchemist's Sunlight Vial ability.
BlindsideKill 50 humans from behind with the Deceiver's Backstab ability.
Blood BathSteal 10,000 Health from enemies with the Prophet's Life Leech or Draining Curse abilities.
Blood RainKill an airborne enemy with an Alchemist cannon.
BloodthirstExecute 250 humans.
Bola Away!Disable 25 vampires with the Hunter Bola or Poison Bola abilities.
BruiserKill 10 Vampires with Melee.
Centennal AlchemistKill 100 enemies as an Alchemist.
Centennial DeceiverKill 100 enemies as a Deceiver.
Centennial HunterKill 100 enemies as a Hunter.
Centennial ProphetKill 100 enemies as a Prophet.
Centennial ReaverKill 100 enemies as a Reaver.
Centennial ScoutKill 100 enemies as a Scout.
Centennial SentinelKill 100 enemies as the Sentinel.
Centennial TyrantKill 100 enemies as a Tyrant.
Death From AboveDamage four different humans with a single Sentinel Air Strike ability.
Death WishWhile your Deceiver Dominate Mind ability is active on an enemy, force them to die from their own area-of-effect damage.
EarthshakerStun or knockdown 250 enemies with the Tyrant's Ground Slam or Shockwave abilities.
Fast FoodKill two humans in the span of one Reaver Haste ability.
Fight in the ShadeDamage four different vampires with a single Scout Volley ability.
FirestarterLight 300 Vampires on fire with the Flamethrower or Fire Wall abilities.
Get Off!Knock a pounced Reaver off your teammate.
Get Over HereKill a wall climbing vampire with the Hunter's Whip ability.
Going, Going, GoneUsing the Tyrant's Throw ability, make a human fall for over 1 second and die on impact.
GroundedUsing the Scout's War Bow, knock a Tyrant using the Jump Attack ability out of the air.
Guardian AngelSave 3 teammates from fatal damage in a single life using the Prophet's Eldritch Guard ability.
Heavy HandedKill 50 enemies with fully charged melee attacks.
HoarderUse 100 Supply Stations.
If It Bleeds...Kill 10 Camouflaged Scouts.
Immortal FleshTake 10,000 damage as a vampire without dying.
It's Getting Misty In HereUsing Alchemist Healing Mist, heal your teammates for 50,000 health.
Just a Flesh WoundAbsorb 50,000 damage with the Tyrant's Ignore Pain ability.
Just What I NeededKill a vampire with the Prophet's Life Leech ability while you are below 100 health.
LethalityGet at least 10 Kills in a single match.
Marked to DeathKill an enemy with the Scout's Mark Target ability.
Master BlasterKill 50 Vampires using the Hunter's Explosive Shot ability.
Mind GamesKill 25 humans as a Deceiver while your Illusions are active.
Natural Born KillerKill 1000 enemies.
Natural LeaperKill 50 enemies with the Reaver's Pounce, Savage Pounce, or Leap Attack abilities.
NegatedHex or disable 50 vampires with the Prophet's Hex Shot or Disabling Curse abilities.
No Fly ZoneUse the Hunter's Bola ability to disable 10 flying Sentinels or pouncing Reavers.
Not On My Watch..Kill a vampire that is executing one of your teammates.
Not So Fast..Kill a human who is using a Supply Station.
OutbreakDisease four different humans with a single Deceiver Infect strike.
Post MortemGet 20 Kills while dead.
Quad KillGet a Quad Kill.
SniperKill 50 enemies with fully drawn Scout bow shots.
Tactical StrikeKill two vampires with a single Hunter Grenade or Sticky Grenade.
TakenSuccessfully Kidnap 50 humans.
Terminal VelocityKill an enemy with a Sentinel Dive Bomb that lasts 2 seconds or more.
There Is No SpoonDodge 500 attacks with the Reaver Evasion ability.
To Catch a PredatorKill a Sentinel who has Kidnapped a teammate.
ToxicKill 2 enemies using a single Reaver Choking Haze ability.
Trap MasterLure enemies into triggering 3 different Scout Traps in a single life.
Trick ShotKill an enemy you can't see with an Alchemist cannon.
Triple KillGet a Triple Kill.
Unstoppable ForceDamage four different humans with a single Tyrant Charge or Marathon ability.
Vae Victis!Win 100 matches.
Wind beneath your wingsCause a human to fall to their death with the Wing Flap ability.
You Deplete MeHeal teammates for 50,000 health using the Prophet's Sacrifice ability.