New Gundam Breaker (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Arm CollectorAcquire 20 Arm parts.
Backpack CollectorAcquire 20 Backpack parts.
Body CollectorAcquire 20 Body parts.
Bonus BossUnknown.
Builders Parts CollectorAcquire 5 Builders parts.
Duty and HonorClear all of Ryoko's missions.
EX Skill BurglarUse an EX Skill from a part you exchanged during a mission.
Gunpla BuilderFinish a complete MS part set.
Gunpla CollectorFinish 10 complete MS part sets.
Gunpla MasterFinish 30 complete MS part sets.
Head CollectorAcquire 20 Head parts.
It's ComplicatedUnknown.
Justice PrevailsClear all of Yui's missions.
Leg CollectorAcquire 20 Leg parts.
MA BusterClear a quest to destroy a Mobile Armor.
Master CollectorAcquire 500 parts.
Master EnchanterLearn 5 Enchanter Frame abilities.
Master GunnerLearn 5 Gunner Frame abilities.
Master of BalanceLearn 5 Balance Frame abilities.
Master SearcherLearn 5 Searcher Frame abilities.
Master StrikerLearn 5 Striker Frame abilities.
Melee Weapon CollectorAcquire 50 Melee Weapon parts.
Part BurglarExchange parts during a mission (except during tutorial)
Peace and Quiet at LastClear all of Marika's missions.
PG BusterClear a quest to destroy a Perfect Grade.
Quickly MatchedPlay a Quick Match.
Ranged Weapon CollectorAcquire 50 Ranged Weapon parts.
RecoveryUse the Cube to Recover a part you stole during a mission.
RedemptionClear all of Iori's missions.
S-Rank ClearClear a mission with Rank S.
S-Rank ProdigyClear 10 missions with Rank S.
S-Rank SuperstarClear 30 missions with Rank S.
Shield CollectorAcquire 30 Shield parts.
Sieg Shion! Sieg Shion! Sieg Shion!Unknown.
Sweet, Sweet VictoryWin a Network Battle.
Team BuilderForm a team/room and play a Multiplayer match.
Team PlayerJoin a team/room and play a Multiplayer match.
The Hero of Gunbre HighComplete All Achievements.
Totally Dazzling!Clear all of Chinatsu's missions.
Warship BusterClear a quest to destroy a Warship.
You're Number One!Get 1st Place in a Multiplayer match.