Nethack (PC)

Cheat Codes

Start the game with the -D command line parameter. Then, enter wizard as a name and start the game. Enter one of the following commands to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Change your level from 1 to 30.#levelchange
Control monster polymorphs.#monopoly_control
Controlled level-teleport^v
Controlled teleport^t
Create a monster^g
Enhance any skill without practice#enhance
Full map^f
Identify all inventory items^i
Reveal location of all special levels^o
Show more info than usual#conduct
View all doors and traps^e
View all mobile light sources#lightsources
View character description and attributes^x
View memory statistics#stats
View seen vectors#seenv
View timeout queue#timeout
View vision array#vision
View wall modes#wmode
Wish for anything^w

Duplicate items

When you find a good item in a dungeon, create a copy of the file that corresponds to that level to a backup directory. For example, after finding a good item on level 1, make a backup of the "Levels.1" located in the game directory. Collect the good item, then go down the stairs to the next level. Copy the backup file back to its original location. Return up the stairs and collect the item again. Note: Pets and monsters may freeze when the backup level file is reused. Use this trick to duplicate level potions, ability potions, energy potions, and unique items.