Nekro (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Advanced GamerDo any description of anything.
Alchemical AnnihilationBeat the campain with the Alchemist Powerset.
Backpack BitchslapSmack 50 enemies with the Grimm Keeper's skull bag.
Bronze LeagueIssue 50 orders to your summons.
CockblockKill 30 chickens.
Cold FireFind and befriend the Giant Flaming Bear.
Diamond LeagueIssue 250 orders to your summons.
ElitistKill 35 Townie Elites.
Fedora LeagueIssue 500 orders to your summons.
Festering FattiesSummon 30 Punges.
Fungus AmongusKill 10 Mushroomheads.
Get Over Here!Pull 50 enemies with the Outcast's chain.
Gold LeagueIssue 150 orders to your summons.
Gone BattySummon 30 Horrors.
Grimm BeaterBeat the campaign with the Grimm Keeper Powerset.
Hellava HealerThrow 50 healing vials.
HereticDefeat the Citadel stage without dying.
HorderBeat the campaign without using any Trinkets.
Hunter HunterKill 35 Hunters.
Lumbro LiquidatorKill 50 Lumbros.
MasochistBeat the campaign without taking any Nekro upgrades... you dirty boy.
Mayor MasterDefeat Mayor Biscuit without dying.
NuncupatoryBestow the moniker of "Vance."
OutlastBeat the campaign with the Outcast Powerset.
Pork PopperKill 30 Pigs.
Priest PounderKill 35 Priests.
Seedy ServantSummon 30 Darkseeds.
Super SerpentsDeploy 100 scourge.
Towie TosserKill 50 basic Townies.
TrinketierUse 10 different trinkets in one campaign.
UntouchableBeat the campaign without dying.
Vegan VictoryBeat the campaign without eating any animals.
Witcher WiperKill 35 Witches.
Wood LeagueIssue 10 orders to your summons.
Zealot ZapperKill 35 Zealots.