Natural Selection 2 (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Adam SmithKill an enemy while defending an Extractor 10 times
Air DefenseKill a Lerk
Asymmetrical CombatKill a Fade
Barking DogDestroy 10 Extractors
Battle ReadyEvolve one Kharaa Upgrade
Big Game HunterKill an Onos
BloodrageDeal 4000 player damage in 1 round
Bomb DefusalKill a Marine who has a Grenade Launcher
Burning CashDestroy 200 resources worth of enemy technology
CheckmateDeal the Killing Blow to a Hive or Command Station
Combat EngineerBuild 10 Extractors in 1 round
CultivationBuild a Hive as Gorge
DambusterKill 10 Harvesters
DemolitionsDeal 7500 structure damage in 1 round
DisarmamentKill a Marine who has a Shotgun
Eat Your GreensComplete all new player missions
Economic SabotageKill a Gorge
Economics 101Kill 5 Harvesters
ExplorerUse Play Now
FirefighterKill a Marine who has a Flamethrower
First AdventureComplete the tutorial
First Class PostUse a Phasegate
I See Human ScumParasite 10 Marines in one round
KharaaPlay a round as alien
Long Term InvestmentsKill an enemy while defending an Extractor 5 times
Mood LightingWeld a Power Node
Most Valued XenomorphKill a Marine while defending a Harvester
No More Fancy ToysDestroy 100 resources worth of enemy technology
No Tech For YouKill 15 Harvesters
Patron Saint of ResKill a Marine while defending a Harvester 10 times
ProtipKill a Marine with 2 bites and a parasite
Quality AssuranceKill a developer
RecessionDestroy 300 resources worth of enemy technology
RegicideKill the enemy commander
RepairmanWeld 5 Power Nodes
Rifles OnlyDestroy 15 Extractors
Secure InvestmentsKill a Marine while defending a Harvester 5 times
Security DetailKill an enemy while defending an Extractor
SlimyUse a Gorge Tunnel
Strategic ThinkingFollow 5 Commanderç—´ orders
Tag!Parasite a Marine
Team PlayerDestroy 5 Extractors
The Doctor is InWeld your team mates 10 times in 1 round
They Came From BehindKill a Marine after sneaking as skulk
They Just Keep ComingKill a Skulk
TravelerPlay on 3 different maps
TSFPlay a round as marine
Unfair AdvantageEvolve 3 Kharaa Upgrades
Unsportsmanlike ConductTaunt after killing a player
UntouchableKill a Marine while having full health
Wall Hacks!Parasite 20 Marines in one round
You're Walking NowDestroy an Exosuit
禅is But a ScratchGet healed with 1 health point