Mystery Tales: The Hangman Returns (PC)

Various Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Armed and DangerousLoaded the revolver
Art LichOpened the Necronomicon
BeastbusterShot the gargoyle
BeekeeperMade a bee sting Hayley
ContemplatorFinished a Hidden-Object Puzzle in one minute
Cursed CollectorCollected all cursed items
Deadly One HundredFound 100 objects
Death BreakerGot help for Stephen
Death MessengerFinished five Hidden-Object Puzzles in a row in one minute each
Eagle EyeFinished three Hidden-Object Puzzles without any hints
Easy AchievementFinished a Hidden-Object Puzzle without any hints
Exorcist for HireFought the ghost and released Kate
FastFound three hidden objects in three seconds
Fearless GunnerSolved the Statue of Margaret mystery
Feline GraceNo mistakes in a Hidden-Object Puzzle
Fierce FanaticFinished five Hidden-Object Puzzles without any hints
Ghost CowboyRoped the boat
Ghost HunterBroke the Magic Ball
Ghost RiderSolved the Car Ride Mini-game
HandymanRepaired the boat
Hung Out to DryDefeated Marcus
IllusionistFinished three Hidden-Object Puzzles in a row in one minute each
Killer LiteratureAssembled the book
Knight of DeadFinished all Hidden-Object Puzzles without any hints
LockmasterBroke into the safe
Logic MasterSolved a Mini-game in one minute
Movie MakerWatched Mystery Tales 7 trailer (collected all puzzle pieces).
Mr. Biggles' FavoriteFed the cat
NightmareCompleted 10 Mini-games without skipping
PoltergeistSolved five Mini-games without skipping
PsychicSolved a Mini-game without skipping
Super BrainFinished any Hidden-Object Puzzle using only the alternate puzzle
Superstitious DetectiveGot a prediction from the fortune teller machine
The FastestFound 10 hidden objects in 10 seconds
Very FastFound five hidden objects in five seconds
Warm HeartCollected all pets