Mystery Tales: Her Own Eyes (PC)

Various Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Access AchieverOpened the Police Archives
AdmiralGot across the river by boat
All-Seeing EyeNo misclicks in a HOP
BloodhoundGot to the caves
Coffin MakerGot the whole Dossier of Deaths
CollectorFound all collectibles in the game
DetectiveEstablished the identity of the maniac
Effortless AchieverFinished a hidden-object puzzle without any hints
FastFind three hidden objects in three seconds
Fast ReactorSolved a mini-game in one minute
Faster than a BulletFinished a hidden-object puzzle in one minute
Faster than a WindFinished three hidden-object puzzles in a row in one minute each
Faster than ThoughtsFinished five hidden-object puzzles in a row in one minute each
HealerCured Anna
HeroSaved all the victims of the maniac
Internet SurferPurchased a ticket
Keeper of the PastUsed Freya's glasses
LockpickerBroke into the murderer's car
Master GunnerFinished all hidden-object puzzles without any hints
Master of DeductionFinished any hidden-object puzzle using only the alternate puzzle
MechanicRepaired the bridge
NegotiatorTalked with the guard
NinjaGot past the garden
PathfinderFound the murderer's hideout
Police ChiefSolve five mini-games without skipping
Police CommisionerCompleted 10 mini-games without skipping
Quick MindTrespassed on private property
RescuerRescued the fisherman
Senior OfficerSolve a mini-game without skipping
Sharp EyeFinished five hidden-object puzzles without any hints
ShooterFinished three hidden-object puzzles without any hints
SignallerCalled the police
The SprinterFind 10 hidden objects in 10 seconds
True DetectiveFound 100 objects
Very FastFind five hidden objects in five seconds