Mysterious Space (PC)

Debug Mode

On the Main Menu enter the Konami code buttons Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Righ,t Esc, Enter. Achievements are locked in this mode so you won't get any in debugging mode.

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
... Than Never Have Earned At AllYeah, no, sorry, this analogy just isn't translating to upgrade points very well.
10k'erAccumulated 10,000 points during the course of a game. Could have gone for an "it's over 9000" thing. Didn't.
20k'erAccumulated 20,000 points during the course of a game.
30k'erAccumulated 30,000 points during the course of a game.
40k'erAccumulated 40,000 points during the course of a game.
50k'erAccumulated 50,000 points during the course of a game.
Alternative RouteDiscovered an alternative route through the ZZ-Omega sector.
Better to Have Earned and Lost...I guess?
Discovered Mysterious Sound TestOoh! Barracuda!
Discovered Mysterious SourceWas it everything you'd hoped it'd be?
Frequent DierWe know you have a choice in video games to die in; thank you for choosing Mysterious Space.
Fully-loaded PotatoAchieved maximum equipment slots with a ship.
Good SamaritanHelped 5 outposts.
Gotta' Go Fast!Gotta' Go Fast!
Great SamaritanHelped 10 outposts.
It Always Feels Better with Someone ElseNo comment.
Old MagicNothing happens.
So-so SamaritanIt IS better than bad, but it isn't quite good...
There and Back AgainA... a space ship's tale??