Mutant Mudds (PC)

Play as Grannie

Collect ALL 2,000 Diamonds and 40 Water Sprites in the game and then press the L button on the 'Title' Screen to switch to Grannie and start the game. Grannie has ALL of the available power-ups in the game to use at once.

Power Ups

You can unlock these power-ups in Grannie's Attic by collecting Golden Diamonds.

Power-UpHow to unlock
Extended Hover1200 Gold Diamonds Collected.
Moon LevelBeat the first 16 Levels.
Play as GrannieAll 2000 Gold Diamonds and 40 Water Sprites Collected.
Power-shot800 Gold Diamonds Collected.
Vertical Boost1600 Gold Diamonds Collected.


When you collect the indicated number of Golden Diamonds the corresponding power-up in Grannie's Attic will become available.

Collect 800 Golden Diamonds.

Extended Hover:
Collect 1,200 Golden Diamonds.

Vertical Boost:
Collect 1,600 Golden Diamonds.

The Moon

When you complete the standard 16 levels Grannie will give you permission to enter the jump pad that accesses the moon levels. Completing the secret levels does not count towards unlocking the moon.