Museum of Mechanics: Lockpicking (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Achi4vedUnlocked Thief 4.
Alpha to OmegaUnlocked Alpha Protocol.
AnachronlocksUnlocked Anachronox.
Ashes to AshesUnlocked Dust.
Dungeon MasterUnlocked Dungeons and Dragons.
Effective 2Unlocked Mass Effect 2.
EffectiveUnlocked Mass Effect.
Get a LeClueUnlocked Jenny LeClue: Detectivu.
GothiccUnlocked Gothic.
HammeredUnlocked Thief: Deadly Shadows.
Heir of the DogUnlocked King's Heir: Rise to the Throne.
HillsnearUnlocked Hillsfar.
Kingdom GoneUnlocked Kingdom Come.
Lockpick to the KneeUnlocked Skyrim.
Museum CuratorUnlocked All Games.
Order UpUnlocked Wolfenstein: New Order.
PatholockpickUnlocked Pathologic 2.
Pick-Boy 2000Unlocked Fallout 1/2.
PickLock MentAchieveUnlocked PickLock.
Risen to the OccasionUnlocked Risen.
Sherlock? Sure pickedUnlocked Testament of Sherlock Holmes.
Splinter SelloutUnlocked Splinter Cell.
The Darkest ProjectUnlocked Thief 1/2.
The DoorBeat the Door.
The Hero of LatchUnlocked Oblivion.
The WizUnlocked Wizardry 6.
Two Hours One MinuteNo refunds.