Achievement | How to unlock
Achi4ved | Unlocked Thief 4.
Alpha to Omega | Unlocked Alpha Protocol.
Anachronlocks | Unlocked Anachronox.
Ashes to Ashes | Unlocked Dust.
Dungeon Master | Unlocked Dungeons and Dragons.
Effective 2 | Unlocked Mass Effect 2.
Effective | Unlocked Mass Effect.
Get a LeClue | Unlocked Jenny LeClue: Detectivu.
Gothicc | Unlocked Gothic.
Hammered | Unlocked Thief: Deadly Shadows.
Heir of the Dog | Unlocked King's Heir: Rise to the Throne.
Hillsnear | Unlocked Hillsfar.
Kingdom Gone | Unlocked Kingdom Come.
Lockpick to the Knee | Unlocked Skyrim.
Museum Curator | Unlocked All Games.
Order Up | Unlocked Wolfenstein: New Order.
Patholockpick | Unlocked Pathologic 2.
Pick-Boy 2000 | Unlocked Fallout 1/2.
PickLock MentAchieve | Unlocked PickLock.
Risen to the Occasion | Unlocked Risen.
Sherlock? Sure picked | Unlocked Testament of Sherlock Holmes.
Splinter Sellout | Unlocked Splinter Cell.
The Darkest Project | Unlocked Thief 1/2.
The Door | Beat the Door.
The Hero of Latch | Unlocked Oblivion.
The Wiz | Unlocked Wizardry 6.
Two Hours One Minute | No refunds.