Achievement | How to unlock
Airborne Challenge | in campaign, finish a map with 6 commandos and under 10 min.
Beach Day | Finish the beach map in campaign mode.
Campaign Master | Finish 100 patrols in campaign with at least five men.
Campaign Novice | Finish five patrols in campaign with at least five men.
Campaign Veteran | Finish 25 patrols in campaign with at least five men.
Chunky Salsa | Gib three or more living enemies with a single frag, faust or rifle grenade.
Classic Master | Get through 100 games of 25 waves or more in classic mode.
Classic Novice | Get through 10 games of 25 waves or more in classic mode.
Classic Veteran | Get through 25 games of 25 waves or more in classic mode.
Counter Sniper Kill | Have a sniper kill another sniper at a distance greater than one screen.
It's in the game | Make an enemy bleed in a puddle of mud.
Keener | Finish a campaign map with all A grades.
Kitchen Sink | Have the Germans throw the kitchen sink at you (three or more different smoke colors).
Le Marquis | Get a frenchy to 100 xp.
Officer Club | Reach wave 100 in classic like it is 2008.
Victory Day | Beat the campaign on schedule.