Mud and Blood (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Airborne Challengein campaign, finish a map with 6 commandos and under 10 min.
Beach DayFinish the beach map in campaign mode.
Campaign MasterFinish 100 patrols in campaign with at least five men.
Campaign NoviceFinish five patrols in campaign with at least five men.
Campaign VeteranFinish 25 patrols in campaign with at least five men.
Chunky SalsaGib three or more living enemies with a single frag, faust or rifle grenade.
Classic MasterGet through 100 games of 25 waves or more in classic mode.
Classic NoviceGet through 10 games of 25 waves or more in classic mode.
Classic VeteranGet through 25 games of 25 waves or more in classic mode.
Counter Sniper KillHave a sniper kill another sniper at a distance greater than one screen.
It's in the gameMake an enemy bleed in a puddle of mud.
KeenerFinish a campaign map with all A grades.
Kitchen SinkHave the Germans throw the kitchen sink at you (three or more different smoke colors).
Le MarquisGet a frenchy to 100 xp.
Officer ClubReach wave 100 in classic like it is 2008.
Victory DayBeat the campaign on schedule.