Mos Speedrun 2 (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
100 CoinsCollect 100 individual coins
100 lost soulsDie 100 times
100 wall jumpsWall jump 100 times
1000 CoinsCollect 1000 individual coins
1000 jumpsJump 1000 times
1000 wall jumpsWall jump 1000 times
50 lost soulsDie 50 times
500 CoinsCollect 500 individual coins
5000 jumpsJump 5000 times
Accomplished runnerRun 5 Km
BillionaireCollect all coins from 30 levels
Blood on the sandComplete 12 levels
Burning upDie in lava 15 times
Caste MasterComplete 24 levels
Charm hunterCollect 10 day charms
Code BreakerEnter the code correctly (Secret)
Day charm QueenCollect 30 day charms
Die in lava 5 timDie in lava 5 times
Dodge betterGet killed by an enemy 5 times
Experienced charm hunterCollect 20 day charms
Eye Spirit ChorionLead eye spirit to the carving (Secret)
Eye Spirit CiliarisLead eye spirit to the carving (Secret)
Eye Spirit MaculariusLead eye spirit to the carving (Secret)
Fall from graceFall 3 km
Fell to earthFall 1 km
Field marshalComplete 6 levels
Final PuzzleComplete the final puzzle (Secret)
First charmCollect a day charm
Flat brokeGet crushed 5 times
Gasping for airDie in gas 5 times
Getting down to businessPlay for 2 hours
Getting seriousPlay for 5 hours
Getting startedPlay for 1 hour
Ghouls and GhostsComplete 18 levels
IncognitoChange costume for the first time
InfernoComplete 30 levels
Just one more charm...Collect 29 day charms
Long distance runnerRun 10 km
Long distance swimmerSwim 1 km
MillionaireCollect all coins from 20 levels
Mos MasterGet all achievements
Number StationHear the number station (Secret)
Paying your wayCollect all coins from a single level
RunnerRun 1 km
Running for honourPlay 10 prestige games
Skull collectorCollect 20 Skulls
Skull finderCollect 6 skulls
Skull museumCollect 30 Skulls
Skull noviceCollect first skull
Super SaverCollect all coins from 6 levels
The first of manyComplete the first level
The hard partPlay a prestige game
The PrestigeGet to stage 6 in prestige
They're winningGet killed by an enemy 100 times
Watery deathDie in water 5 times
What a way to goDie in slime 5 times
WormholeEnter a warp tunnel for the first time (Secret)
You diedDie for the first time