Achievement | How to unlock
Bomb Squad | Acquire your first weapon.
Boss Trainee | Beat the first boss.
Botanist | Scan 25 plants.
Expert Driver | Win the race.
Explorer | Visit 10 planets.
Finisher | Complete the main story.
Full Suit | Acquire all suit upgrades.
Geologist | Scan 10 minerals.
Good Trainee | Complete the training mission.
Locked and loaded | Acquire all weapons.
Master of Trinkets | Find 10 trinket boxes.
Nomad | Visit 25 planets.
Rarity | Scan 5 rare specimens.
Side Swiper | Finish 50 side missions.
Space Cowboy | Survive 5 space combat encounters.
Space Rookie | Survive a space combat encounter.
Suited up | Get your first suit upgrade.
Super Rarity | Scan 25 rare specimens.
Tech Farmer | Scan 5 tech items.
The Boss | Beat all the bosses.
Trader Elite | Make 25 space trades.
Trader Rookie | Make 5 space trades.
Trinket Scout | Find a trinket.
Wanderer | Visit 50 planets.
Zoologist | Scan 20 animals.