Monsters Domain (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Camps killerClear all camps in the game.
Champion of the AbyssKill Omzol the Aberrant.
City defendedDefend your city.
Completed Combat TrainingFinish Calyx.
Conqueror of Rhad the GraveKill Rhad the Grave.
Conqueror of TorgorDefeat Torgor, the Eternal Dragon.
CrafterCraft first item.
Crafting kingCraft any legendary weapon.
Defeated Aberrant Wolf ManKill Aberrant Wolf Man.
Defeated Mutated Wolf ManKill Mutated Wolf Man.
Defeated first bossKill The Guardian.
Dungeon explorerFinish first dungeon.
Dungeon kingFinish all dungeons in the game.
Expedition KingFinish all expedition in the game.
ExpeditorFinish first expedition.
Fire school expertUnlock all skills from fire school tree.
First camp cleanerClean first camp.
Friendly TrollFree the Gaint Troll.
Ice school expertUnlock all skills from ice school tree.
LevelerAchieve first level up.
Lighting school expertUnlock all skills from lighting school tree.
Orc Slayer: ExpertKill Orc Strix.
Orc Slayer: MasterKill Orc Shoony.
Orc Slayer: NoviceKill Orc Shisk.
Perfect ArmyBuild an army of 30 minions.
Perfect levelAchieve 10 level.
Shadow school expertUnlock all skills from shadow school tree.
Slayer of the BerserkerKill Gonag The Berserk.
Slayer of the Bitter BeastKill Graggan The Bitter.
Triumph over Luzor the BrokenKill Luzor The Broken.
Vanquisher of VultureKill Vulture the Necromancer.
Vanquisher of the Black ApeKill Drar The Black Ape.
You died first timeNot best achievement at all.