MindSeize (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
EverythingComplete the game 100%. Find every item and buy everything from the workshop.
Guardians Of The JunkyardDestroy every Guardian Unit on planet Takomo 7.
Interplanetary BotanismFind and collect all 4 nanobot boosting plants.
King Of The JungleDefeat Drifter Hanu.
Logs Of The MadmenRead all 4 computer logs left by Mimir on Research Facility.
No Fire, PleaseTurn off the fire traps on Verdant Gamma wrecked ship.
Stronger Than YouDefeat Duke Atlas.
The Arc-Power BeamAcquire the Arc-Power Beam weapon.
The EndDefeat Shiva Pride.
The Jet SpearAcquire the Jet Spear weapon.
The Monster From The DeepFind and defeat the Abyssal Monster.
The Morph EdgeAcquire the Morph Edge weapon.
The OctomindDefeat Mimir.
The Plasma AvengerAcquire the Plasma Avenger weapon.
The Quad CuttersAcquire the Quad Cutters weapon.
The Radical OneDefeat Valkyrie Grace.
The Rocket LauncherAcquire the Rocket Launcher weapon.
The Sworn BladeDefeat Thyr.