Achievement | How to unlock
10 out of 10 | Open 10 memes in encyclopaedia.
30 already? | Type 30 memes in a row in survival mode.
Absolutely perfect | Pass level 20.
AWW YEAAA | Pass Level 1.
Be gentle it's my first time. | Press "Play".
Better drink before survival | Open Survival Mode.
Chuck approves | Type 10 memes in a row in survival mode.
Doctor of Sciences | Open "Meme encyclopaedia".
He typed 50, 50 memes, Carl | Open 50 memes in encyclopaedia.
It's over 9000 | Type 9001 memes in the game.
It's super effective! You are now at level 15! | Pass level 15.
Mother of God | Open "How to play".
Opportunities everywhere | Pass level 10.
WD-40 Fixes everything | Type 40 memes in a row in survival mode.
Why I don't have a girlfriend? | Open 80 memes in encyclopaedia.
You have reached the final page of the Internet! | Open 900 memes in encyclopedia.
You made it for twenty | Type 20 memes in a row in survival mode.
You sick bastard | Type 50 memes in a row in survival mode.
You're still here? | Open 500 memes in encyclopedia.