Memetyper (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
10 out of 10Open 10 memes in encyclopaedia.
30 already?Type 30 memes in a row in survival mode.
Absolutely perfectPass level 20.
AWW YEAAAPass Level 1.
Be gentle it's my first time.Press "Play".
Better drink before survivalOpen Survival Mode.
Chuck approvesType 10 memes in a row in survival mode.
Doctor of SciencesOpen "Meme encyclopaedia".
He typed 50, 50 memes, CarlOpen 50 memes in encyclopaedia.
It's over 9000Type 9001 memes in the game.
It's super effective! You are now at level 15!Pass level 15.
Mother of GodOpen "How to play".
Opportunities everywherePass level 10.
WD-40 Fixes everythingType 40 memes in a row in survival mode.
Why I don't have a girlfriend?Open 80 memes in encyclopaedia.
You have reached the final page of the Internet!Open 900 memes in encyclopedia.
You made it for twentyType 20 memes in a row in survival mode.
You sick bastardType 50 memes in a row in survival mode.
You're still here?Open 500 memes in encyclopedia.