Megabyte Punch (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
100 Enemies downDestroy 100 enemies.
1000 Enemies downDestroy 1000 enemies.
500 Enemies downDestroy 500 enemies.
Adventure Complete!Complete the adventure mode!
Ancient HeightsFind the flying ruins.
Bare fistsWin the tournament with no ability parts equipped.
Bouldar down!Defeat Warlord Bouldar.
Bouncy Bounce HouseBounce from the hot plates 10 times in a row.
Color seeker!Find all 30 hidden colors.
Down again!Defeat General HB-03.
Flawless victory!Win the tournament without dying.
General defeat!Defeat General HB-02.
I believe I can jumpJump 5 times in a row.
Icessassinated!Defeat the Ice-Beak Assassins.
Is it over?Defeat the Emperor.
It is over!Defeat the Emperor.
KilobyteCollect 8192 bits.
Lethal LeagueReflect a projectile 10 times in a row.
MEGABYTE PUUNNCHHHH!Find the Megabyte Punch arm part.
No more Grand Khotep...Defeat Grand Khotep Scarb.
No prizes left!Win all the special parts from the tournament.
Number 1!Win the tournament.
Part collector!Collect all 150 parts.
Pelvic ThrusterBreak 16 enemy shields with your pelvic thrust.
Size doesn't matter!Defeat the big boss without losing a life.
Spending it wiselySpend over 5000 bits in the shop.
Subprogrammed!Defeat Grand Khotep Muer.
Thinking of fastClear the Electro Caves Stage 1 within 30 seconds.
Three FlowersFind the hidden level.
UP for a challenge!Complete the frostbyte challenge level.