MechCorp (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A walk in the parkComplete the game on easy difficulty.
Big SpenderSpend more than 1000 credits on items or schematics in a single play through.
DestroyerDestroy 250 hostile units in battle.
For The Alliance! (secret)Join the Alliance.
Full HouseHave the maximum amount of mechs available during a play through.
Gotta catch them allDiscover and obtain all available mechs in the game.
Guardian of the galaxyDestroy 30 pirates.
IndustriousBuild more than 8 mechs in a single play through.
Locked and LoadedFully equip a mech with tier-3 weapon and modules.
Long Live the Federation! (secret)Join the Federation.
MechCorpComplete the game.
MercenarySuccessfully complete 10 contracts.
SalesmanSell 50 or more items in a single play through.
ScientificResearch more than 18 schematic in a single play through.
Staying Neutral (secret)Complete the game without joining any faction.
Well TrainedTrain a crew to maximum level.
Yarrrgh!Raid 20 civillian convoys.