Achievement | How to unlock
A prima facie | Solve your first puzzle.
Amici, diem perdidi | Get through the first day.
Artis occultae | Solve the riddle of haiku.
Bellum omnium contra omnes | Get a good ending. Take over the Magistrate.
Comple promissum | Solve the encrypted in Morse code.
Fiat Roma, et ubi illa nunc est? | Get a bad ending. The city was destroyed.
Finis coronat opus | Complete the game.
Heros mortuus est | Get a good ending. Save the country.
Latentem in umbra | Solve the riddle of the Secret society.
Loco columbae | Answer your friend's letter.
Quieti tempus | Guess about the time of the staff attack.
Radices litterarum amarae sunt, fructus dulces | Solve ten number puzzles.
Respondeat superior | Betray your abbot and condemn him to death.
Sententia absolutoria | Save your abbot from the death penalty.
Si vis vincere, disce pati | Solve ten puzzles.
Sic itur ad astra | Go through the numeric maze.
Veni, vidi, vici | Solve your first Caesar cipher.