Master of Secrets: Dark Europe (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A prima facieSolve your first puzzle.
Amici, diem perdidiGet through the first day.
Artis occultaeSolve the riddle of haiku.
Bellum omnium contra omnesGet a good ending. Take over the Magistrate.
Comple promissumSolve the encrypted in Morse code.
Fiat Roma, et ubi illa nunc est?Get a bad ending. The city was destroyed.
Finis coronat opusComplete the game.
Heros mortuus estGet a good ending. Save the country.
Latentem in umbraSolve the riddle of the Secret society.
Loco columbaeAnswer your friend's letter.
Quieti tempusGuess about the time of the staff attack.
Radices litterarum amarae sunt, fructus dulcesSolve ten number puzzles.
Respondeat superiorBetray your abbot and condemn him to death.
Sententia absolutoriaSave your abbot from the death penalty.
Si vis vincere, disce patiSolve ten puzzles.
Sic itur ad astraGo through the numeric maze.
Veni, vidi, viciSolve your first Caesar cipher.