Achievement | How to unlock
A SPACE ODYSSEY | Analyze all monoliths.
ALL OR NOTHING | Earn all perks.
ALMIGHTY | Unlock all achievements.
ALPHA LEADER | First special force.
ARCHITECT | Build 500 towers.
ARMED TO THE TEETH | Complete the tech tree.
BUTCHER | Kill 2.500 zombies.
CONSTRUCTOR | Build 50 towers.
DON'T HURT ME | Build the lander shield.
ENGINEER | Build 100 towers.
FEARLESS | Call an early wave.
FIRST ARMORY | Build an armory.
FIRST KILL | Kill 1 zombie.
FIRST PERK | Earn 1 perk.
FIRST TECH CENTER | Build a tech center.
FULL METAL JACKET | Max a tower.
HELL YEAH | Kill 20 zombies in FPS mode.
HIGH FIVE | Earn 5 perks.
LASER MASTER | Kill 300 bomber by laser tower.
LORD RAIDEN | Deactivate 30 electro shields by tesla.
MASSACRE | Kill 25 zombies at once by nuke.
MY FIRST RESEARCH STUDY | Research a new tower.
NO ONE CAN STOP ME | Use 4 different super weapons in a single mission.
PARAMEDIC | Heal a crew member.
PHOTOGRAPHER | Take a screenshot.
PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE | 10 special forces in one mission.
STOP! | Stop 10 runner zombies by freeze ray.
SUB-ZERO | Extinguish 20 pyro zombies by freeze ray.
TERMINATOR | Kill 10.000 zombies.
THE CHALLENGING END | Complete all missions of the campaign in challenge mode.
THE END | Complete the campaign.
TOWER WHO? | Win a mission without building a tower.
TRAITOR | Kill a mutated crew member.
UNLOCK THE TRUTH | Use all monoliths in mission 20.
YOUR FIRST SUPER WEAPON | Use a super weapon.