Mary Skelter 2 (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AdventurerGrew and entered a hidden floor.
AwakeningEntered Massacre mode for the first time.
Blood ImpulseActivated a Blood Soul Skill thirty times.
EscapeeObtained all achievements!
FarmerGet used to using the Blood Farm.
GluttonySatisfied the Jail's Appetite.
GreedCollected 100,000 Gold.
Hameln's Liberated District AdvisorCleared ten work orders.
Infinite PossibilitiesUnlock five of the heroines' jobs.
Liberated Downtown!Cleared the Downtown area.
Liberated the Aquarium Ruins!Cleared the Aquarium Ruins area.
Liberated the Art Alley!Cleared the Art Alley area.
Liberated the City Streets!Cleared the City Streets area.
Liberated the Dorm!Cleared the Dorm area.
Liberated the Graveyard!Cleared the Graveyard area.
Liberated the Station Grounds!Cleared the Station Grounds area.
Liberated the Temple!Cleared the Temple area.
Liberated the Waterside!Cleared the Waterside area.
LustSatisfied the Jail's Libido.
Marchen ResearcherFilled the Jail Creature Manual with 80% of all creatures.
MurdererDefeated eight Nightmares.
Nightmare CounselorUsed Otsuu's Counseling thirty times.
Proof of TrustUsed Embrace ten times.
RampageEntered Blood Skelter mode for the first time.
Relied UponCleared 50% of all work orders.
Research BeginsFilled the Jail Creature Manual with ten creatures.
SlothSatisfied the Jail's Sleep.
Strength Above and BeyondBlood Devolution reached Level 80.
The Two Departs AgainUnlocked the Bad Ending.
The Two's Fate Is in Jack's HandUnlocked the True Ending.
TrustRaised one heroine's affection to max level.
Understanding One AnotherRaised all heroines' affection to max level.
White Zone ActivatesActivated Nightmare Jack's Nightmare Zone ten times.